Thursday, April 30, 2015

NFL's "Secret" Rehab Technology Coming To New Jersey

Have you ever wondered how some pro athletes are able to get back from injury faster than others?
More importantly, how these same athletes seem to come back stronger and faster than before the injury and never reinjure that same spot again? Some NFL MVP names of the past may come to mind as well as some other elite NFL players over the recent years. Well, look behind the curtain and in almost all cases you will find the ARP Wave System as the tool used to rehab these high performance athletes, a tool that is now becoming more mainstream in the high school and collegiate athletic sector and one becoming more readily used by America’s top surgeons as a post operational rehab tool for accelerated recovery. Dallas Peak Performance and Rehab (, the top ARP Wave therapy clinic in the United States has now decided to expand their operation and are opening 7 new locations throughout the country.

Their next clinic location, Neuro Performance Rehab (NPR), will be inside one of the Northeast’s top sports performance facilities, Nunziato Total Training, located in Elmwood Park, NJ. NYC, Chicago and Boston will soon follow. “Over the past couple years we have been getting inundated from high school and collegiate athletes from the northeast calling our Dallas facility and asking about our advanced ARP Wave treatment. They have seen what we have done for elite pro athletes in their rapid recovery and of course they wanted those same results. So they either flew into Dallas or we shipped them an ARP and we treated them remotely via SKYPE. Now, they will have a location in which to go to and be treated hands on. We wanted to be in a top notch sports performance facility like Nunziato so we had the best of the best in equipment and trainers when we got to the physical aspect of the ARP therapy," NPR managing partner Mark McClure stated.

 If ARP Wave Neuro Therapy is the choice of the world’s elite athletes, why isn’t every facility in America using it?

The below was taken from the BOSTON GLOBE 

 “Ignorance and old school thinking is what is holding them back. Rest, ice, compression and elevation, or what is referred to as RICE in the sports rehab world does not work for sports injuries, never has and never will. What people need to realize is where you feel pain or are injured is not where it is coming from, ever. Somewhere a muscle or muscles are not absorbing force like they were meant to do and this arises from a neurological disconnect. OK, so what’s that mean? It means that the signal being sent by the brain for that muscle to turn on fast enough to absorb force and create force is not getting through, and this is due to sodium potassium leakage and where there is sodium potassium leakage there is scar tissue and absolutely zero neurological communication. When this occurs, however, that force meant for that muscle is now sent to areas of the body not meant to absorb force, hence causing damage to that region, be it the knee, shoulder, back, hip, etc. Until the muscles meant to absorb this force are treated and are able to act as shock absorbers if you will, all the surgeries and therapy in the world will not fix the problem because that force will STILL be sent to that susceptible region causing inflammation, pain and ultimately a tear. Strength training, rest, corrective exercises are useless until the origin of what is causing the problem is fixed. With the ARP Wave system and proprietary protocols we are able to pinpoint this neurological disconnect, treat it, turn the muscle back on so to speak so it is now absorbing and creating force, transfer the force away from the injured region to the muscle and in the process vastly accelerate healing with blood flow. To the point our players are back in 12 days or less as opposed to weeks at a time with traditional therapy. That’s a stone cold fact,” McClure added.

If your looking to eliminate pain and injury and get back on the field FAST, this is it!

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