Sunday, August 25, 2013

Why 99% of All Performance Training Regimens Vastly Limit Your Athletic Potential

For years you have trained your body PHYSIOLOGICALLY, with the understanding that this would spur muscle growth, flexibility, strength, agility, speed and overall performance in order to transcend your skills onto the field, baseball diamond or court. In essence, you have continually trained your HARDWARE (your muscles) while ignoring the most important component of what drives elite athletic performance; your NEUROLOGICAL make-up…your SOFTWARE if you will. You can have the best computer in the world, but without the right software in place to drive its true potential, it is VASTLY LIMITED in what it can do. Your body is NO different.

You see, we are an electrical being run by a nervous system and this system dictates your muscles every move and literally drives your level of performance, good or bad.  However, we continually ignore this important component and train ourselves physiologically day after day, week after week, month after month and sadly year after year, when the fact remains we can expedite our level of physical and athletic performance to ELITE LEVELS 60% FASTER than traditional training if we concentrate on building ourselves neurologically…strengthening the very foundation that dictates our performance on the field!

Your neurological make up dictates how fast, strong and agile you become due to the fact that the brain will only send the support needed to accomplish these tasks based on the information it receives neurologically.  If you continue to train the same way you have always been taught, attempting to increase speed and strength through the “overload principle” and gradual progression, no amount of exercise diversification and “cutting edge performance techniques” will ever work, and you will NEVER realize your true physical potential. Why? Simple. Because your brain does not NEED to adapt to a massive increase in velocity or stimuli due to the continued, gradual progression training format you are using and thus will continue to only send the support needed NEUROLOGICALLY to perform these tasks and not an ounce more.  By utilizing the EVO/POV protocols and technology, however, we are able to train you neurologically at HIGH VELOCITY which forces the brain to send the support mechanisms needed to allow you to continue at this rate…making you stronger, faster and quicker in a fraction of the time as outdated, traditional training. We lay the neurological and physiological foundation that will allow you play at a level on the field you never thought was attainable! That is the ONLY objective of Dallas Peak Performance and Rehab ( 

Why Our EVO-UltraFit is The Most Advanced in the World

For the human body to make quantum leaps in physiological performance and for the brain to send the support needed to allow this to happen, we must train at 93% of our capacity for hours at a time which as we all know is impossible. Impossible from a physical standpoint, NOT a neurological standpoint.

When you train under the Evo-Ultrafit protocols (developed by Jay Schroeder) utilizing the POV Sport technology (FDA Approved and Patented), we are able to train your muscles neurologically in such a way that your brain thinks you are training at HIGH VELOCITY and in doing so, sends the appropriate support needed to sustain this maximum level of  training.  This INCREASED support will come in the form of more muscle fiber inclusion, nutritional fuel, blood flow, an increase in your ability to absorb force and a vast increase in your overall range of motion. When all of this comes together effectively, you begin to create NEW MUSCLE MEMORY and are able to perform physiologically at levels traditional training could never take you to.  There is no other form of training in the world from a protocol and technology stand point that can generate the physiological results that our system can attain…not even steroids or PED’s.  Once we train your nervous system to work at peak levels, there is literally no ceiling on what you can accomplish from a skill, speed and strength standpoint!

The POV Sport Technology

The POV is a tool that allows us to communicate necessary information to the brain accurately, rapidly and efficiently via the nervous system.  This needed information tells us how to respond to a stimulus.  What the heck does that mean?  Why should you be excited?  The nervous system allows for communication to and feedback from all areas of the body. Why is this important?  All aspects of human life are controlled using this communication system. Now the exciting part!  You, with proper implementation of this system, have a way to develop, enhance and take full advantage of this neglected area. Have you ever sat back, and wondered why, with all the attention paid to your nutritional intake, the three to five visits to the gym each week, the miles you put on your bicycle etc., you don’t achieve the results that are in line with your efforts?  Well, the answer is that the proper communication to and from all areas of your body is under construction.  There are too many detours and roadblocks. You are about to embark upon a system of protocols and technology that will complete the construction and eliminate the detours within your body. Thus, your body accepts the smooth, efficient travel of this information providing for the precise action in order to create the desired effect.  This system elicits the duplicable distribution of information at high velocity allowing for results to be attained up to 60% faster than the typical time it takes employing traditional/conventional training.

The End of Useless “Stretching” With The POV

On the POV Sport (developed by Jay Schroeder), we are able to INCREASE anyone’s range of motion by a minimum of 25% in 1/16th of a second. Anyone. How is that possible? Very simple really. Whatever your range of motion is now, is set that way because your brain is telling you “that’s as far as you can go”, sending a “protective” signal if you will, warning you that if you go any further you might hurt yourself. So you stop at that point and create a NEW range of motion which continues to shorten as you get older. Once we put the POV on you, however, in 1/16th of a second we change that signal, and “Loosen” or ECCENTRICALLY ELONGATE (lengthen) the muscle which allows you to extend your range of motion by 25% or more instantly. You go from CONCENTRIC CONTRACTION (shortened) to ECCENTRIC without any useless stretching.

Why is stretching useless? Because you CANNOT STRETCH A MUSCLE. It is physiologically impossible. All you are stretching is ligaments and tendons, preparing yourself for injury. The POV is the only device in existence that can literally stretch a muscle and when this occurs, you are capable of amazing things.

Train and Recuperate SIMULTANEOUSLY

Within a 5 minute period following the POV Loosening Protocols, we are able to eccentrically stretch all of your muscles, allowing you to TRAIN and RECUPERATE simultaneously! Yes, you heard it right it. While you are training you will be recuperating at the very same time because when your muscles are in eccentric contraction you can train at peak levels without soreness afterwards. Why? Because soreness comes from muscles when they are in concentric contraction (shortened). If you are training in eccentric contraction (lengthened), you have more range of motion, your body can absorb more than 10X its weight in force and in a lengthened state it is
vastly stronger than a muscle in a contracted state. Upon completion of training you simply do another Loosening session (5 minutes), put your muscles back in eccentric contraction and you are as fresh at the END of the workout or game as you were in the beginning. We have hundreds of NFL Players that follow this program before and after a brutal game and come back as fresh as when they started because their muscles are in eccentric contraction and their body’s ability to absorb force is 10X greater than if they had NOT used the POV. This increased ability to absorb force elevates their play on the field but more importantly eliminates 90% of all injuries. 

With the EVO/POV System, athletes and trainers will be able to go places no other athletes have been able to go before without harmful steroids and PED’s. This is literally a game changer.


The first month of your year-long training process with Mark McClure at Dallas Peak Performance & Rehab will serve as the construction crew, repairing all the potholes in your neurological highway.  Each month thereafter, you choose which protocol plan you wish to implement based on your desired goals at that time.  As we are all aware, life can change rapidly.  This system allows for these changes, while providing you the opportunity to achieve the end result… a higher quality of life and performance.  There are many levels of support to help you along this journey, as well as opportunities to take your training to elite levels.  You CAN be the best in the world! Think it and it can be available. We have the only high-speed way to communicate with the brain to stimulate the proper response. Welcome again, to the world of the EVO/POV System of preparing for a healthier, injury resistant, high performance, athletic lifestyle.

Mark McClure 214-417-1218